jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Biotechnology for olive crop

With biotechnology EDYPRO adapted to the cultivation of the olive tree, we not only increase the oil yield achieving more kilos of oil, they also improve the State of the trees with excess reserves to ensure good harvest in subsequent years.

Biotechnology in EDYPRO line for the cultivation of the olive tree, consists of several products, according to the need:

COUPE REGENERATION: improves the physical structure of the soil.

CUPROPLUSregains the levels of copper in crops.

GROSKOLOR PLUS:provides a nutritional balance to the plant necessary for a correct development of the fruit.

ALGATRON:  helps the plant physiological processes essential for the proper development of cultivation, flowering, fertilization, fruit set, as well as the quality of final production.

PROCUAJE FOLIAR: increases the number of curdled flowers, quality and uniformity on the fruits.

EDYFRUIT ENGORDE FOLIAR: promotes the fattening of the olive tree, in caliber and quality factors.

MELASTOP: increases the efficacy of phytosanitary treatments apply.

Below are some images of oil-bearing crops treatedwith products of EDYPRO biotechnology.

For more detailed information on the products and their applications, consult the web page of EDYPRO www.edypro-online.com

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